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Meet The Team

Clinical Animal Behaviourist
Claire Hargrave has over 20 years of experience as a clinical animal behaviourist. Claire is the only Certified Clinical Animal Behaviourist accredited to work with dogs and cats by the Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour who is working in Wales She is also registered as a clinical animal behaviourist by the Animal Behaviour and Training Council (ABTC: Claire is also a Certificated Member of the Fellowship of Animal Behaviour Clinicians (
Claire was awarded the Post Graduate Diploma in Companion Animal Behaviour Counselling by Southampton University in 2002 and holds an MSc in Companion Animal Behaviour Counselling from Southampton University's School of Psychology (2006).
Claire is a regular speaker and lecturer in veterinary behaviour topics for veterinary continuing professional development events, under-graduate and postgraduate courses and an author, contributing to a range of veterinary journals.
Claire advises the Welsh Government on companion animal behaviour and emotional welfare issues. Claire was also a member of the expert panel for the Advisory Council on the Welfare Issues of Dog Breeding.

Associate Behaviourist
Helena currently works as a research consultant in companion animal behaviour and welfare research, predominantly based at the University of Bristol Veterinary School, as well as providing clients of Companion Animal Behaviour Referrals with follow-up support after their initial behaviour consultations with Claire. She completed her PhD in Clinical Veterinary Science in 2021, focusing on the treatment of fear and anxiety in dogs. Since then, she has been involved in new research projects including investigating the use of quality of life assessments with UK dog owners, canine epilepsy, and working on feline research projects with the Bristol Cats Study.
Helena has 10 years of clinical behaviour experience and aims to achieve CCAB accreditation for working with dogs and cats in the near future. Helena lives on an old farmstead near Brecon and shares her life with her husband, their Springer Spaniel, four cats, a small flock of Ryland sheep, chickens, ducks and geese. She is soon to have her first baby and will be taking some time off work during maternity leave.

Associate Behaviourist
Megan has always known that she wanted to work with animals and she has always been fascinated with animal behaviour and training. When she experienced her own dog having behavioural problems she realised that she wanted to pursue a career as an animal behaviourist, so that she could help others with their own animals’ behavioural difficulties.
Megan has years of experience working in a variety of different types of animal collections, especially in boarding and rescue kennels and catteries. This experience has brought about a passion for animal welfare as well as for behavioural rehabilitation.
Megan has a first class BSc (Hons) degree in Animal Behaviour and Welfare from Harper Adams University, and has gained pre-certification with the ASAB. Megan is currently gaining experience with the aim of gaining accreditation as a CCAB in the future. She is part of the Fellowship of Animal Behaviour Clinicians as a Candidate Member.

Associate Behaviourist
Victoria has always been passionate about animals, with a particular interest in welfare and behaviour. She worked as a veterinary nurse prior to and during her bachelor’s degree in Biology. After a stint as an Environmental Water Manager she then went back to her first passion and gained an MSc in Clinical Animal Behaviour from the University of Lincoln.
Victoria is now working as a pet behaviourist and trainer, seeing mostly dogs and cats. She is Pre-Certified by the Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour, which means she has demonstrated relevant background knowledge and understanding in eight key areas of animal behaviour, prior to gaining the practical experience needed to achieve full certification (CCAB). Victoria is due to sit her examination in 2022.

Associate Behaviourist
Natalie has always been into all things behaviour. Graduating from Cambridge University in 1998, she delivered major behaviour change campaigns (for humans!) on behalf of government departments and national charities. Her own dog Alfie’s difficulties have driven her interest in canine behaviour since 2017.
She is a Dynamic Dog Practitioner (understanding pain in dogs and its impact on behaviour), an accredited trainer with the Institute of Modern Dog Trainers, a member of the Association of Pet Dog Trainers (APDT)and an SA Pro approved trainer (separation-related disorders).
Natalie attends an ever-growing list of courses and seminars as part of her ongoing Continual Professional Development. As a student member of the Fellowship of Animal Behaviour Clinicians, she is currently studying for an Ofqual Level 6 Diploma in Applied Canine Behaviour Management - with the aim of gaining accreditation as a CCAB (Certificated Clinical Animal Behaviourist).

Office Manager
When you email or phone us, it will be Pat who will answer your queries and who will assist you by explaining the consultation process and booking procedure.
Pat is married to Ash and she has a small holding looking after dogs, horses, goats, sheep, chickens and cats. Pat's background is in teaching and chiropractic, both with humans and animals.