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Companion Animal Behaviour Referrals is dedicated to supporting those caring for cats and dogs, helping them to improve the emotional and behavioural welfare of their companion animals.
Welcome to our website, dedicated to those caring for the emotional and behavioural welfare of cats and dogs. Whether you are currently the owner of a canine or feline companion, a prospective cat or dog owner or a veterinary surgeon working with companion animals, please take a few moments to look around our website to view the services that we offer you and the companion animals in your care.
Pet behaviour has always fascinated pet owners, but the Animal Welfare Act 2006 and the associated Welfare Codes for Dogs and Cats emphasise the responsibility that pet owners have for the emotional and behavioural welfare of their pets.
Our highly qualified staff have, for many years, been assisting owners and their companion animals by helping to resolve and prevent companion animal behaviour problems. A referral service for veterinary surgeons has been available at Companion Animal Behaviour Referrals since 1999.
What we do
Companion Animal Behaviour Referrals supports the owners of cats and dogs by helping them to improve the emotional and behavioural welfare of the companion animals in their care.
Pet behaviour problems can emerge for many different reasons and owners may remain extremely tolerant of these difficulties over a prolonged period of time. The existence of behaviour problems impairs the welfare of both animal and human. Hence, behaviour problems can lead to tension in the relationship between a companion animal and their owner, that may, eventually, lead to owners taking the very difficult decision to re-home or even euthanise their pet.
Whilst dealing with the strain that pet behaviour problems can create within families and attempting to limit and manage the amount of damage caused, it can be difficult to sit back and ask ourselves why our pet is behaving in this way. Yet without removing the cause of the pet's inappropriate behaviour, it will be impossible to find a permanent resolution to the problem.
Companion Animal Behaviour Referrals exists to assist owners in understanding the cause of their companion animal's behaviour problem, to create behaviour modification programmes that will help owners to bring about behavioural change in their pet and to support both owner and pet whilst behavioural change occurs.